Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The worst mistakes job candidates make in (or before) interviews that can make them look seriously unqualified:

1. Talking about how nervous you are.
You might think it's endearing to admit to nerves in an interview But the truth is, it's not a good look. Employers expect you to be an adult, calm under pressure, and able to handle the kinds of stressful situations that you might encounter in the workplace. Talking about your nerves, and by implication looking for pity, is a great to way to send them the message that you're not ready to handle a real office environment.
2. Failing to do your research.
As you prepare for an interview, you should find out everything you can about the company, its leaders, and the person with whom you'll be speaking. "Employers want to see that you've done your homework, and that you're engaged with the company and its issues."
It's totally fine to ask questions but not questions that you should already know the answer to or can easily answer with a quick Google search.
3. Answering questions without elaborating.
Interviewers aren't looking for one-word answers — they're looking for stories about how you made an impact in previous roles So when an interviewer brings up your past role as the president of a club, or as an intern at a startup, don't just say, 'Yes, that was a lot of fun.' Explain!
4. Not having any questions for the interviewer (or acting as if the interviewer covered all of your questions earlier).
At the end of almost every interview, the hiring manager will turn the tables and ask: "Do you have any questions for me?"
A lack of questions reflects a lack of engagement or even an inability to think on your feet.
Come to the interview with three questions that the interviewer is guaranteed not to address during your time. 'What is the toughest part of your job?' or 'Where do you think the company really needs improvement?'"
And it doesn't hurt to make the interviewer feel like you're interviewing them just a little bit.

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