
Our Focus

For Professional and Working Latinos:

The great poet Maya Angelou once said, “When you know better, you do better.” At The H.I.L.L., we are all about helping our constituents do better in life. We make that commitment clear in our vision statement: To ensure that every member of Northeast Florida’s Hispanic Labor force has the opportunity to fully flourish in his/her desired career field. In doing so the Hispanic workforce will become a valued, stable and integral entity of our local economy.

At The H.I.L.L. we work hard every day in creating a variety of services, events, and opportunities that are intertwined and focused on taking Latinos far into their professional and leadership development.  Our agency understands the correlation  between business strategies and critical success factors needed for today's highly competitive global markets.

For Corporations:

The great researcher and expert on Latino business trends, Louis Nevaer states it best. "Hispanics today are what women were to management in the 1950s: a challenge that must be met because it is a reality that cannot be ignored".  On that premise, The H.I.L.L. of Northeast Florida is focused on being a consultant and resource for local organizations who are focused on the value of tapping into the largest, and youngest consumer and labor market.

We bring our biggest contribution in helping you connect with our Hispanic members and the regional Hispanic community at large.   Ninety seven percent of Latinos connected to The H.I.L.L. have higher education degrees with a variety of knowledge and work experience in demand by local enterprises.  Our focus is to make your organization an employer of choice by local Latinos so that you can leverage their knowledge, experience and expertise. By leveraging the cultural competence of these team members your organization can effectively grow into a service provider of choice by Latino consumers.